Tuesday, June 24, 2008

reflect on it!

last night a friend texted me around 11pm...
he told me, he was being talked about in their college,and that he couldn't take it anymore...
don't wanna mention the name of the college where he belongs, coz i didn't have his permission...
i know those girls/boys who, he said started the whole blab... I don't wanna pinpoint anyone,so i wanna generalize it...

to those Girls/Boys starting the gossip: stop minding some other people's business, you're just making it clear to all the people how cheap your are and stupid... instead of blabbing things about that guy/girl why don't you try blabbing things about yourself in that way you can help yourself GET A LIFE you deserve! get it?! you are clearly showing insecurities and you think that blabbing bout that guy/girl will heal those insecurities,truth is, you just don't realize it now but those insecurities are growing and growing everytime you blab, and it's getting clearer and clearer! so if i were you, if i hate that guy/girl you keep blabbing about, i'll just hush and leave it to the people to judge him...

to the guy they keep blabbing about: don't waste your time on those blabber mouths... you know yourself better than they do, reacting to those gossips will just give them room for their insecurities to grow, instead help them, don't mind every word that comes out of their mouth, practice the so called being "manhid" but in a good way... keep your head on those books and study or keep yourself busy, in that way your mind will be very occupied that you won't have time to listen to rumors... let it pass, if it's a rumor it'll just fade away if you won't mind it... if you think they're destroying your reputation just think, maybe they are threatened by your reputation... bottom line, don't stoop down to their level of insecurities, you still have your whole life to prove to the people that what they're blabbing about are wrong, only God can take that opportunity from you, so don't waste every second of it and start now, and don't forget to PRAY! it helps alot... :)

to those reading this, the victims, the suspects, the blabber mouths, the insecure, etc...
think of yourself first, look at yourselves in the mirror...
do you think you deserve such treatment?
do you think you are perfect enough to ruin some other person's reputation?
are you sure that if you blab about that person, no one's blabbing bout you?
always put yourself in his or her situation...
think about it and reflect...

gossip is fun but set limitations as to the level of gossip, don't get carried away by gossip coz you won't get anything good in return, what you'll be getting are backstabbers backstabbing you... your friends in particular, if your a backstabber your friends are too..
tested and proven! 100% true!
"YOU ARE WHAT YOUR FRIENDS ARE", coz you attract people who are LIKE you!